Hot Rod Movies
Hot Rod Havoc 4
Have you seen..Dean Micetech's(DicE)survivor '32 coupe?
Skoty Chops cruising in his '36 Plymouth prewar kustom?
The new paint and interior in Alex Gambino's '54 Chevy?
Scott Birdsall punishing his "Strangebird"?
Slim getting the front wheels in the air in his chopped '64 drag van?
Bobby Gomez's '57 Chevy gasser tearing up the streets in Santa Ana?
The Lifters' "King of Clubs" drag races?
Skot Chops' ShootOut car show?
If you said NO to any of these do yourself a favor and grab this DVD now!
Filmed in Maui, San Fransisco Los Angeles, Santa Ana, San Jose, Costa Mesa, Long Beach, San Diego,and Hawaii.
Running time: 35 minutes plus extras!
Region: 0