Bendigo Swap Meet 2002
Prince of Wales Showgrounds, Holmes Road, BendigoMade the pilgramage once again. Typical Bendigo, hot, dry and dusty, seemed to be a few more people around this year and the quality of junk was up. Not many complete cars or projects for sale except at the dealers. Spent most of my time talking, although I managed to pick up a GTS steering wheel for the Chev. Seems as though I have some notariety, as the guy who sold it to me was convinced that I was an EBay wheeler and dealer and that I was going to turn it around a make a fortune. I did have a look and there was a wheel on auction with a reserve of $350, made my $180 investment look real good.
The Show, Shine and Sell area was packed. The cars were almost too close together, made it hard to get a decent photo. Mainly stuck to taking photos of early commercial stuff as you don't normally see it around.