Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)
Stilleto Rain - Red Rocks Amphitheater, Denver, CO, 19jun85
[Primadonna, PD109] (73:46, 9 tracks)
this recording sounds like an offhand board mix, good quality
the CD incorrectly lists the show as 17jun85
<track#/title> <time> <notes>
1> Ain't Giving Up On Love 7:40 "Ain't Gone 'n' Give Up On Love"
2> Pride And Joy 5:09
3> Voodoo Child 12:40 "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)"
4> Tin Pan Alley 12:01
5> Little Sister 4:09 "Look at Little Sister"
6> Flooding Down In Texas 9:21 "Texas Flood"
7> Come On 6:30 "Come On (Part III)"
8> Little Wing 7:44
9> 3 Stones From the Sun 8:29 "Third Stone From the Sun"