Three Bar Blues

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Three Bar Blues - Lorelei Festival, Germany, 25aug84 & Los Angeles, 1984
     [Rupert, 9687] (1996) (73:04, 13 tracks)
     Lorelei (tracks 1-11), Los Angeles (The Hollywood Palace) (tracks 12-13)
     The sound quality of the Lorelei tracks varies from average to good and
     seems somewhat mono, the L.A. tracks have excellent sound quality.
     <track#/title>                    <time>  <notes>
     1> Scuttle Buttin'                 2:24
     2> Testify                         4:01
     3> Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)   11:33
     4> The Things That I Used To Do    5:32
     5> Honey Bee                       3:19
     6> Love Struck Baby                3:17
     7> Cold Shot                       4:14
     8> Couldn't Stand The Weather      5:15
     9> Tin Pan Alley                  13:06
    10> Pride And Joy                   4:22
    11> Texas Flood                     8:14
    12> Schoolgirl                      4:21   "So Excited"
    13> Mary Had A Little Lamb          3:26

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