Live At Pier 84

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Live At Pier 84 - Tennis Rock Expo, New York City, NY, 23jul83, w/Buddy Guy
     [Live Storm, LSCD 51009] (Italy) (36:36, 7 tracks)
     also released as [Rarities & Few Records, RFCD 1009]
     both have poor sound quality
     <track#/title>                     <time>  <notes>
     1> The Big Run                      4:15   "Rude Mood"
     2> Pride And Joy                    3:50
     3> Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)     6:33
     4> Love Struck Baby                 2:59
     5> Texas Flood                      8:30
     6> Stormy Monday Blues              7:00
     7> Closing Time                     3:27   "Mary Had A Little Lamb"

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