Live At L'Olympia

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Live At L'Olympia - L'Olympia Theater, Paris, France, 24sep86
     [Why Not, WOT1020] (Italy) (77:38, 9 tracks)
     <track#/title>                       <time>  <notes>
     1> Scuttle Buttin'                    3:52
     2> Say What                           4:17
     3> Ain't Gone 'n' Give Up On Love    19:14
     4> Superstition                       5:59
     5> I'm Leaving You (Commit A Crime)   7:05
     6> Willie The Wimp                    5:54
     7> Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)      15:32
     8> Cold Shot                          7:10
     9> Couldn't Stand The Weather         8:33

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