The Forgotten Show

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

The Forgotten Show - The Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL, 25mar87 (says '88)
     [Flashback World Productions, 01.93.0196] (73:58, 11 tracks)
     Note: Has recently been reissued (or made to look like a reissue) by
     Flashback in CD-R format but these are inferior to the originals due
     to annoying sound gaps at the start of each track, plus the absence
     of the final track ("Rude Mood"). Otherwise both have excellent sound.
     <track#/title>                   <time>  <notes>
     1> Scuttle Buttin'/Say What       8:36   medley
     2> Lookin' Out The Window         4:10
     3> Look At Little Sister          5:24
     4> Ain't Gonna Give Up My Love   11:02   "Ain't Gone 'n' Give Up On Love"
     5> Superstition                   4:51
     6> Willie The Wimp                6:18
     7> Cold Shot                      5:52
     8> Couldn't Stand The Weather     7:38
     9> Life Without You              12:04
    10> Love Struck Baby               3:53
    11> Rude Mood                      4:04

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