Cold Shot (Vol 3)

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Cold Shot (Vol 3) - Pistoia Blues Festival, 3jul88
     Pistoia, Italy
     [Banana, BAN-035C] (Australia) (54:24, 10 tracks)
     same date as In Italy
     <track#/title>                  <time>  <notes>
     1> Testify                       2:05    "Scuttle Buttin'"
     2> Say What                      5:07
     3> Lookin' Out The Window        4:08
     4> Look At Little Sister         4:01
     5> Mary Had A Little Lamb        7:09
     6> Pride And Joy                 5:08
     7> Texas Flood                   7:46
     8> Superstition                  4:30
     9> Willie The Wimp               6:20
    10> Couldn't Stand The Weather    8:10 

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