At The Steamboat 1874

SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

At The Steamboat 1874 - Austin, TX 1apr80
     [Magic Mushroom, MMR-CD 9103] (Germany) (74:43, 15 tracks)
     more complete version of oficial "In The Beginning" and the most 
     complete recording compared to all other Steamboat titles, only track
     known to be missing is "Shake For Me"
     excellent sound.
     same date as 
     Don't Mess With Texas 
     Guitar Boogie
     Homage To The Blues

     <track#/title>                     <time>    <notes>
     1> Scuttle Buttin'                5:34    "In The Open"
     2> Evening Boogie                 3:24    "Slide Thing"
     3> I'll Drive In Your Town        3:16    "They Call Me Guitar Hurricane"
     4> The Sky Is Crying              5:17
     5> I'm Leaving You                4:41
     6> All Your Love                  6:37
     7> Tin Pan Alley                  8:08
     8> Love Struck Baby               3:00
     9> Tell Me                        2:55
    10> Little Wing                    4:41
    11> Instrumental                   4:10    "Collins Shuffle"
    12> I'm Crying                     3:46
    13> Texas Flood                    9:44
    14> Treat You Right                5:12    correct title?
    15> Hideaway                       4:16

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