Word filter for Links Rejector
As mentioned in How to stop spam on your phpBB forum,'s Links Rejector is a great anti-spam tool. However, to make it even more suitable for my own needs, I've added two modifications:
- Some common English words are filtered from guest posts
- Some exotic characters, often present in the Russian-language spam I get, are filtered from guest posts
Depending on the language of your forum, you may benefit from installing one or both of these modifications. They are made for Links Rejector 1.2.0 beta1, but will probably work with other versions as well.
As the modifications are simple, installation is also simple. First, make sure that you have Links Rejector installed. Then find the file functions_bbas.php in the includes-directory of your phpBB board and open it with a text editor.
Second, find the lines
nearly at the end of the file. Above them, paste the code from the box below:
Now, if you want to filter both English-language words and a few exotic characters from guest posts, simply save the file and upload it to your server. However, those that want to disable filtering of English words should now delete everything between the lines
// Search for English words in guest posts starts //
// Search for English words in guest posts ends //
In the same way, those that want to disable filtering of exotic characters should delete everything between the lines
// Search for odd characters in guest posts starts //
// Search for odd characters in guest posts ends //
After that, save and upload, then you're done. Depending on which features you use, don't forget that you can later add words/characters you want to filter for to the $englishwords and $oddchars arrays.
Remember that like Link Rejector's contact information filter, these filters only work for guest posts. If you want to filter both posts made by guests and those made by registered users, see this solution by bbAntispam.
Should you run into problems installing my small modifications, get in touch and I'll try to help you.