GIF Image Files
GIF's - are generally a higher quality file format for World Wide Web documents. However they produce a physically larger file. (more diskspace, longer download time) There is no compression option for GIF files.
There are two unique forms of GIF file, the transperent GIF and the animated GIF. With a transperent GIF you can nominate a colour to appear transperent, thereby removing the border or block appearance of an image. An animated GIF is actually a series of images (much like a cartoon is made up of frames), timed to display in a particular fashion, giving the perception of movement.
Here are some examples of GIF files.
Standard GIF 300x200 23.9Kb
Interlaced GIF 199x224 24.5Kb
Animated GIF 64x64 11.7Kb
Interlaced GIF 199x224 24.5Kb